Would you like your product to be featured on Leather Facts? Take a look at the options below to see if there’s one that works for your business. If you have an idea that isn’t on the list, fill out the contact form below and we’ll see what we can work out. We are always open to new ideas!


Product Reviews

Perhaps the most popular of our collaborative options, product reviews provide great visibility for your product. They also give your customers confidence in the quality of your product and in your company (assuming that it is a good product). Because we want our reviews to be honest and unbiased, we don’t accept payment for product reviews. The only cost associated with these reviews is providing a product for us to review. Because we will put the product through the wringer to test its durability and quality, it will not be returned to you.


Giveaways are great for building a following. When we run a giveaway, we provide additional entries for people that follow your social media accounts, sign up for your email list, or complete other actions. We always couple giveaways with a review article. Once again, there is no cost to running a giveaway except providing a product for us to review, and another product to give to the winner.



We have several locations for display ads on the site. The prices for these ads vary depending on size, location, and current demand. Contact us to get a quote on display advertising.

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