Finding gifts can be hard. Really hard. Now, I personally believe leather products make great gifts, and only partially because I think leather is great for everything. If you need more reasons why leather is the best, and great for everything, including gifts, start here. But you don’t want to get your loved one what you think is a fine leather bag, only to find that it is peeling apart in just 6 months. One of the most commonly repeated phrases when it comes to gifts is “It’s the thought that counts”, so let’s put some thought in it and see what the best options are. Different circumstances call for different options, so we’re going to look at a bunch of them.
Review Breakdown
I’ve done been doing quite a bit of research on the various companies selling leather products floating around. Now I know I haven’t been to all of them yet, but I’m working on it. For each of the different common leather products; wallets, belts, phone cases, purses, etc, I have created a review comparing and contrasting different options. It will look kind of like this:
- Product Name
- Price range- From cheapest product to most expensive product
- Pros and Cons –Even though I’m reviewing quality products, that doesn’t mean they are perfect. I’ll talk about things that they could do better on as well as their strengths.
- Company Integrity –Good leather is usually fairly small scale, so most the companies are really families, with names, faces, hopes and dreams. In this section I’ll give my insights on their background and integrity
- Overall Rating- Somehow I’ll try and wrap up all the previous categories in one overall “how I feel about this product” rating. I don’t like the scale from 1-10, because I never know what 5 means. Does that mean it is neutral, or “I like it a medium amount”? Instead, I will give all my reviews on a scale from -5 to 5, with 0 being absolutely neutral. Anything above 0 means I would actively encourage you to buy this product, anything below 0 means I would actively discourage you from buying this product. the higher the number, the stronger I feel about the product and company.
I will be continually adding more reviews as I find them. If you have questions about any of these websites or reviews, or want my opinion on a manufacturer that you’ve found, leave me a comment.